Thursday, July 28, 2016

Reverse Mortgage Basics

Home Equity Conversion Mortgages, commonly referred to as Reverse Mortgages, have enabled hundreds of thousands of retired Americans to achieve financial security and stay in their homes through retirement.  In short, the Reverse Mortgage allows you to convert your home equity to income, which you can use for any purpose: living expenses, health care, home remodeling, travel, or anything else.  The best part is that you retain title, and remain in your home!

While Reverse Mortgages have been the best solution for many, there are other options.  For that reason, Proficio Mortgage is committed to providing you with all details regarding the program in the clearest, most professional and courteous manner possible.  We are focused on enabling you to make the best decision, based upon all available information.  We always encourage prospective clients to invite family members to be a part of the discussion with us, and require all of our clients to complete a third-party counseling session prior to finalizing any transaction.

I have been in the banking industry as an experienced mortgage loan officer for over 20 years, specializing in Idaho Reverse Mortgages for the past 12 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to help senior homeowners learn about the Reverse Mortgage Program and the benefits it provides. This program has helped many seniors increase the quality of their life by simply leveraging the equity in their homes, enabling them to use some of the proceeds without having to worry about any monthly mortgage payments, providing cash flow for a more comfortable retirement.

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